Our Next Service Is:

    Welcome to Light of Life Baptist Church, in Ormesby St Margaret, near Great Yarmouth. We are a creative and vibrant community sharing life together as we seek to follow Jesus and grow in faith, hope and love. We believe that God offers this abundant life to everyone, see our inclusion statement under what we believe. It will great to meet you, so please come along or get in touch.
    We have a gentle rhythm of meeting which encourages people to 'do life together' and practise Sabbath rest. On the first Sunday of the month we meet 10:30am for a time of physical, social and spiritual nourishment. On the Second Sunday we listen to a podcast. On third Sundays we meet at 10:30am for a traditional service and on the fourth Sunday we practise Sabbath. If you'd like to know more do get in touch.
    Life Groups
    Life Groups are an important part of our growing together and supporting each other. During the week we meet in various times and places for friendship, fun, study, and prayer. If you're not one of these groups then you're missing out! Click Here to find out more.

    Find Us

    Sunday services are normally held at our Chapel building in Ormesby
    The Chapel


    Listen to our latest podcast or check out more here

    About Us

    Contact us

    North Rd, Ormesby St Margaret, Great Yarmouth, NR29 3RS

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