If you are exploring Christian spirituality or just visiting whilst on holiday, here’s all the information you need to help you along the way.

What to expect

We are a vibrant community of Christians based in Ormesby St Margaret, seeking to follow Jesus. We gather in various ways throughout the week and you are very welcome to join us and see what we are about. It doesn’t matter what you wear, where you come from or what you believe – everyone is welcome. We are always happy to welcome new people into our church family, whether you are a lifelong Christian or simply curious about all this church and God stuff.

When do we meet and where?

On the first Sunday of the month, we meet from 10:30am in the Chapel for a breakfast and a social time together. At 11am, for about 30 minutes, we have a time of worship, with a short reflection, particularly accessible for those that are new to church or exploring faith. You can come to either breakfast, worship, or both.

On the second Sunday of the month is a podcast which can be accessed on our website here .

The third Sunday of the month we meet for a service held at the Chapel at 10:30am lasting about an hour. There are refreshments and space for the children to enjoy separate activities if they wish. This service includes communion, a special time remembering the story of God, past, present and future. All are welcome to join in, or watch if you prefer.

On the forth Sunday of the month we practice Sabbath, learning to rest and be in God’s presence, allowing him to take control. Having a break from the usual teaching, allows us time and space to hear from God in a different way and to practice hospitality. Some of our Life Groups take this opportunity to meet up for breakfast/lunch, games/walk or whatever helps them to rest and enjoy creation together.

Some months have a fifth Sunday and we meet on these too, often doing something different like a walk, or prayer stations.

We look forward to meeting you!

If you’re still curious and want to find out more information before visiting us, you can listen to some of our talks or get in contact with us. We’ll get back to you and try to answer your queries.

Life Groups

We have four different Life Groups that meet weekly or fortnightly for a mixture of prayer, Bible study and fun. Each has a different flavour for more information get in contact with us.